In a not very good area on the 19th, Métro line 7 - Porte de la Villette, lies the enormous building of the Cité de Sciences et de l'Industrie. It is what its name says. In several floors, the visitor can see and interact in various ways with the big variety of educational games over various fields of science or watch some informational videos (I raised my portfolio by 45% on a stock market exchange simulator). The Planetarium is a great experience, where you can watch on a 360º screen Le Navigateur Du Ciel (The Navigator Of The Sky), a movie about the Earth and the galaxies, made with a very interesting technique. Extremely recommended.
The pictures I took were no big deal. Still, a bit more patience and this is about to change.
The entrance. |
The entrance, edited. |
There is a helicopter inside. I don't know if it can actually fly in there, even if there is quite some space. |
Many interesting things to see. You must enter early in the morning if you want to see as much as possible. |
Going out, to the metro or tram station. To the left, a 3-star hotel. To the right, little boxes. There are more and they are even sadder. |
The editing may not have much contrast, but the picture itself, with the two buildings within spitting distance, has lots of it. Of contrast, that is. |
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