Monday, July 8, 2013

Sun! Everywhere!

While still enjoying the summer in Paris for as long as it lasts, I give you two pictures I took on Saturday afternoon. The first one was in a park at the southeast of Paris.

Lots of light. Tons of it! A very nice image, but it cannot be properly enjoyed.
The contrast went to 100, among other settings. Now we have a more 3-D image, where branches don't look like they are all at the same height.
While going back home, I saw some interesting clouds making a not quite thick layer, while normal sheep-like clouds were also present. And I like the reflection on those huge buildings. But the light was too much once more.
High contrast to the rescue then! Plus some extra saturation to intensify the blue. The original photo looks like the lens was dipped in milk before taking the shot.
You will notice on the right column a little embedded video. I decided to make a little something to promote Halfway Back. And here it is.

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