Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Parking heroes (+bonus)

Something different for today. With the old camera, which for two years has been a valuable companion and was used to make The Last Voter 2 and 3, I took some pictures as well. Like the ones in Torino. When I was in Greece, more often than not, I would encounter some inexcusable parking habits and some of them just had to be in a photo.

Especially for today, we will only see the edited photos. I hope you don't mind.

A very bad habit. People who are in a hurry for some reason, think that others are not in a hurry or that their time is not worth that much. So, instead of parking their car, they just leave it there. Passing cars will have to be careful because fuck them anyway.
Some people take two places because they don't want other cars next to them with the danger of leaving a line on them. These are the people who will kick you out of a fleeing boat if this means that there will be one more portion for them.
The lady who left the car there was in a hurry. Her moves were nervous. But still, she couldn't find a normal parking space, because this would mean that she would have to walk. And walking in small towns is a huge thing! You have to avoid it at any cost! Especially if the cost is paid by other people, preferably the weakest ones.
And now something from the airport of Thessaloniki. Above the lines, we see the menu of a restaurant in greek. Below the lines, it's in english, sort of. For example, oregano doesn't have to be from Oregon or Arizona or North Carolina, anyway. "Of" can replace "or" only when you speak dutch. And, of course, you can have dessert in desert, but you cannot eat the desert itself.

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